Get to work

Once we've found your dream assignment and the feeling's mutual at the client end, you're good to go. Before you start, we'll need to reach an agreement on the start date and salary, we'll draft a contract and run these by you. We'll explain how time tracking works, which days payday falls on and what time you'll be asked to show up where. Duration of assignments may vary but we'll make sure you always know where you're at.

A toast to the weekend

During the first week of your new assignment, we'll regularly check in with you to see how things are going. Questions or problems can be easily discussed and taken care of. We'll drop by on occasion to evaluate progress and agree on any necessary adjustments. After all, you're a ZEBRA colleague, not a temp worker. You're part of our team and we should keep involved with you and your work. Every Friday is an occasion to hand in your time sheet at our office and have a chat about the week with your fellow ZEBRA colleagues, and that includes a toast to the weekend. Drinks are on us, Fridays at ZEBRA.